Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Search Engine Updates – Google plus Local page Questions

After long time I back with this blog search engine updates. Google has come up with very exciting changes every times. And people are also looking for their updates.

Before talk anything, let’s come to point, and focus on very thrilling topics recently updated by Google and that is Google plus Local.

Everyone has faced some problem with Google plus local and have many questions?

So this post for those people who really upset with Google Local Updates.

Some people ask Few Question on Google plus local,
             Why Google Turn my Local page on Google plus, while I don’t have any Google plus Profile?

  When I check my local business review turn in to Google plus, it seems like old review, and worthless, how can I delete my fake review.?

   I have Google plus profile and business page with one email and local business have differ email, so what can I do? Or how can I merge to both in to one?

   What is procedure to count review on Google plus local?

  It can be harm to my business, because any one can make bogus review, is there any procedure to make true review and trustable and avoid by unwanted people?

I know you have still more questions and doubts on Google plus local use.

Let we will find out all possible answer on my next post, but please keep more questioned regarding Google plus Local and anything else

Please comment more questions / answer or any updates on these topics.

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